My Journal


A common manipulation tool with a community cost!   Consider a time when you have ignored someone or have felt painfully neglected. What if a lack of authentic expression proved to be traumatising to both self and other? This article aims to inspire the...

The Autonomic Highway—Destination, Truth

Community Ecological Care is when we work collaboratively, and togetherness becomes the main lead — we work for the collective heart.  As established, when led by collective purpose, human cells flourish.


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Authenticate Yourself

Authenticate Yourself

A trained mind speaks only truth, to avoid the deafening sound of deceit. You may think the truth is a simple concept, but it is not a concept at all - it just ‘is'. Authenticity is the raft which navigates us towards shores of peace. It is a natural law that offers...

Yoga  Re-Evolution

Yoga Re-Evolution

A s yoga’s purpose is to free the mind from the waves of distraction, it could be realised that a developing mind may require new approaches. Yoga is many things to many people; an explosion of interest sees the tradition delivered in many forms. Many think, such...

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Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat-Sun: 8 AM – 2 PM


(255) 352-6258


1234 Divi St. #1000
San Francisco, CA 94220