Community Ecological Development

Community Ecological Development

The Vision… With the current climate for health and social care reaching climax and front line services struggling to meet demand, the need for cohesive strategies has never been more apparent. A transformational shift is required, where everyone recognises they...


The Holy Trinity of Contentment And a roadmap towards community cohesion, this holy trinity needs to be explored and up-regulated to meet the emotional, physical and psychological demands of our time. BIO Our biology is nature. Yet we have become like machines, very...


What’s Your Mental – ability? When mental health is discussed we often create images of ‘insanity’, of people with less than normal functioning brains. We may even go so far as to say they are psycho, not a full shilling, or sick in the head. Such...
Heart over Head

Heart over Head

It’s nice to be nice… but nicer to be truthful. The yoga world promotes ‘niceness’ but a true sign of spiritual congruence is authenticity. Why? Because truth cuts much deeper than superficial hugs and seeming acts of kindness. To know this, we learn to embrace our...
Winter Man

Winter Man

Meditate by all means but don’t lose sight of the world you live in I wrote this article to help dispel the darkness of winter and make men shine from the inside. Winter brings both wet and cold, which often breeds viruses and bugs and as the nights lag so can...